Your Guide to Getting Started with GlossGenius
Here's everything you need to know to get up and running with a top-tier salon management app!

Created an account with GlossGenius but want some pointers on where to start? Start here!
1. Set Up Website Preferences
GlossGenius offers a lot of control for your business with preferences that are easy to understand and customize in just a few taps!
Website info & online presence
GlossGenius enables you to take bookings, reservations, and more – all from a stunning online presence. Customizing the look and feel of your website and online presence is easy!
To start, head into Settings > Website. You'll be able to change a few things:
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- Cover photo: A cover photo is essentially your website's background. Some professionals like to put pictures related to their craft, while others like to use an abstract background. You can choose from a preset selection of abstract backgrounds, or upload your own by tapping Upload Cover Image at the top of the Website section. Once you upload it, it's updated immediately. Make sure to choose landscape (wide), high-quality images for the best look.
- How your services are displayed: The setting Display Services Visually allows you to choose whether to show images next to your services or not. Turning this OFF means that your services will be shown in a list view, without any images. Having this ON means that there will be an image attached to each service for clients to see. Some professionals like to show visuals so clients can get a preview of their awesome work.
- Your personalized URL: Your URL is the web address that clients can visit to find out more about your business, services and book you. To change your URL, tap Change Website URL. Any URL changes are instantly live! Remember that changing your URL is like changing a phone number – if you change it after clients knew about it, you'll want to make sure to notify them!
Personal & business info
Inside Settings > Personal & Contact Info, you can update your profile image, first and last name, email, phone number, and license number (if applicable). This information will appear under the Contact tab of your booking site.
Social accounts
Head into Settings > Website > Connect Social Accounts to link your website to other social media you have! This is a great way for clients visiting your booking site to discover more about you. You can link:
- Facebook: Enter your Facebook URL in full (example: https://facebook.com/pages/glossgenius). If you're unsure of what your Facebook URL is, check out this article.
- Instagram: Enter your Instagram handle (ex: janesmith). Note that you do not need to put the "@" sign there, since we do that automatically for you!
- Twitter: Enter your Twitter handle (ex: janesmith). Note that you do not need to put the "@" sign there, since we do that automatically for you!
- Pinterest: Enter your Pinterest URL in full. It will be a similar process as your Facebook one.
- Yelp: Enter your Yelp URL in full. It will be a similar process as your Facebook one.
- Another website: If you have another website that you want to connect, enter the full URL here.
2. Set Up Business Info
Your business is everything! This section contains some important info for you. Head into Settings > Business Details to get started.
Business name
What's the name of your studio? Salon? Chair? Mobile business? Tap Settings > Business Details > Business Name to customize your business name. Note that this business name will appear on your personal website, emails, text notifications to clients, receipts, and more.
Business hours
What are your general hours that you want to accept bookings during? Head into Settings > Business Details > Business Hours to adjust business hours to show availability on your site. Note that clients will be unable to book you online during any days or times you indicate as closed.
Head into Settings > Business Details > Location to set a location. Here's what you need to know:
- Fixed Location: Do you work out of a studio, salon or other fixed location? If so, you'll want to tap the Address field here and add an address. This is important because this is the address that will show up on your website, as well as the one that clients will see when they receive booking info from your business.
- House Call Location: Do you want to allow house-call requests? If so, turn this ON. This will give clients the option to request a housecall when booking you online if this is ON. Remember, if the requested location is too far, you don't have to accept a booking.
Calendar sync
We offer 2-way calendar sync so you can sync your GlossGenius calendar out to another calendar (like Google, iCal, Outlook), AND bring your Google, iCal calendar right into your GlossGenius calendar so all of your events are synced! Head into Settings > My Preferences > Two-Way Calendar Sync to enable that!
Payment processing
When it comes to booking & payment, you're in complete control! Visit Settings > Bank Account & Verification to set up payment processing, then head to Settings > Card Reader & Checkout > Checkout Settings to set your payment preferences. Here's what you need to know:
- Payment processing rate: We offer the industry's lowest payment processing rate and we also give you flexibility to customize that further to fit your business's needs. You can choose between paying a 0%, 1% or 2.6% (standard) rate. Depending on your choice, your fee will be split with clients and conveniently added onto their bill so you never have to remember to collect it! Check with your local and state laws to determine which rate is right for you!
- Cancellation fee: Turn this on if you want to enforce a cancellation policy. Note that in order for your cancellation policy to be collected, you must have Require Card turned on so you can have a card on file to take the fee from.
- Retail sales tax: If you sell retail in your studio, add your municipality sales tax here within the Checkout Settings menu. The great thing is that we'll automatically add sales tax to products when you use GlossGenius for checkout so you never have to worry about it! Great when tax season rolls around!
- Service sales tax: If you're in a municipality that taxes certain services, add in your service sales tax from the same page as the retail sales tax option. The great thing is that we'll automatically add sales tax to services when you use GlossGenius for checkout so you never have to worry about it! Great when tax season rolls around!
Booking controls
Take advantage of more ways to control booking inside Settings > Booking Controls & Notifications > Online Booking Settings:
- Require card: Within Booking Controls & Notifications, tap Online Booking Settings to require a credit card on file for client's booking online. Clients are NOT charged when they make a booking online – their card is merely held as a reservation in case they cancel. Choose to require it from new clients, all clients or no clients.
- Booking Window: Set a window of time here you require for advance notice on client bookings online.
- Booking Increments: Only want to take bookings on the half-hour, hour, or 15-minute mark? (e.g. 10 a.m., 11 a.m. versus 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.). Set those preferences here!
- Allow Processing Time Booking: Time is money! Allow clients to book you during the processing time of over services. When this is ON, a client can book you during any services that you've set up with processing time.
- Allow Online Booking: You have full control over whether you want to accept online bookings or not, for all clients, existing clients, or no clients at all. To disable it, tap the setting Disallow Online Booking. When booking is disabled, your business can still have a beautiful online presence so clients can find you and learn more about your business, but when they go to book you, they'll get a cute pop-up that advises them to contact your phone number if they want to schedule.
- Auto-Approve Appointments: This setting allows you to control how bookings are approved. When this is ON, your bookings will automatically be approved and you won't have to "approve" each one individually. When this is OFF, you will be notified of all online booking requests and you'll need to "approve" each one. Keeping this OFF is great if you want to block certain clients from booking and can "deny" their request.
- Cancellation Policy: Use this section to add any more detail on your cancellation policy (i.e. you must notify me of a change 48hrs in advance to avoid a cancellation fee). You can also require clients to acknowledge your cancellation policy before they're able to book an appointment, by toggling ON Cancellation Policy Required.
3. Add Services
Services are what clients book you for! If you don't have these set up, a client won't be able to book you online! Head into Settings > Services to create a new one. Here's what you need to know:
- Press the + button in the top right corner to add a new service.
- Add info like an image, name, price, and duration!
- Add a description for more detail or a Category so it's easily searchable on your site.
- Tap Save when done!
Need help importing your services from another app or paper? You can ask our team to help you transfer services, retail and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
4. Add Retail
If you sell retail at your location, add it here for quick reference and to keep track of sales! To get started, navigate to Settings > Retail & Inventory.
- Tap the + button in the top right corner to add a new retail product.
- Add info like an image, name, brand, price, and quantity in your inventory!
- Tap Save when done!
Need help importing your retail from another app or paper? You can ask our team to help you transfer services, retail and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
5. Set Notifications
You're going to love how GlossGenius notifications for you and your clients simplify your life! Head into Settings > Booking Controls & Notifications > Client Notifications to manage all client and personal communications!
We offer notifications like confirmations, reminders, follow-ups, birthdays and more. All of them are easy to tap on and off and fit to your preferences!
6. Add Your Clients
Client management is key! And you're going to love how much GlossGenius helps you with it! If you have a book of clients, you'll want to add them. Visit the Clients tab at the bottom of your dashboard. Note:
- You can import clients from your phone's directory
- You can add clients manually
- Need help importing your clients from another app or your paper book? You can ask our team to help you transfer clients and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
7. Test Appointment
Appointments with GlossGenius are fun. Seriously. Tap the Calendar tab at the bottom of your dashboard to get started with appointments.
- Self-schedule appointments: On your calendar, you can toggle between the day/month/week view. To self-schedule an appointment, tap on the + sign in the top right, or tap and hold on the calendar. Select whether you'd like to Create Appointment, Block Personal Time, or Edit Working Hours. Add the info and DONE!
To edit an appointment, personal time block, or business hours, go to the Calendar and tap on the appointment. Tap Edit in the top right corner and save your changes!
8. Set Up Direct Deposit
Yes, we make payment processing easy! Get set up for automatic, same-day transfers by heading into Settings > Bank Account & Verification > Identity Verification and Bank Details. This will ensure you're set up for direct deposits!
9. Test Checkout
We make payment processing easy, affordable and integrated. You're going to love how easy checkout is. Tap the "Checkout" section at the bottom tab of the app. Once there, you can:
- Check out an existing appointment: If there are any appointments in your queue, they'll show up in this section. Tap on it and you'll head right into Checkout!
- Create a new checkout for a walk-in/retail purchase: If you don't have a pre-existing appointment with a client, no worries! Tap the "+" sign in the top right corner of the Checkout section to create a new walk-in/retail purchase.
- View Past transactions: In the Checkout section, press the "Past" button at the top center of the screen. From here, you'll have a list of all past transactions and their details.
10. Link a Card
Add a credit card to ensure your account's access to GlossGenius after your free trial is done! Don't worry, you'll still get the full benefit of the free trial! Head into Settings > GlossGenius Subscription & Billing > Link Credit Card.
11. Let Clients Know Where to Book an Appointment
Once you have Steps 1-10 set up, you're ready to rock! It's a great idea to let clients know where they can book you! You can find your booking website address in a few places:
- At the top of your Dashboard: Inside the mobile app, tap Dashboard and you'll see your personal website address in the top gradient box. It will resemble something like "jane.glossgenius.com." That's the website address you can advise clients to visit!
- Inside Settings > Website: You can also get your website address and preview your site inside the app's Settings > Website.
Once you have that info, inform your clients! We make it easy. Here are a few suggestions on how to inform your clients:
- Text message marketing: Head into More > Text Marketing to send a mass text message to all of your clients in a few taps! It's the easiest thing you've done.
- Email marketing: Head into More > Email Marketing to send a mass email message to all of your clients in a few taps! You can do it all from your smartphone!
- Social media promotion: Head into More > Share to access easy social sharing options so you can promote your site on social media!
Become a GlossGenius Pro
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
Okay here's the deal: we just covered the basics. There is SO much more to GlossGenius that you're going to love. Tap on the More button and explore:
- Reports: Your next best friend for understanding data about your business in a really easy way.
- Reviews: The center to get client reviews and promote yourself!
- Email marketing & text message marketing: Your next biggest money maker!
Interested in using GlossGenius for your business? Sign up for your free 14-day trial here!
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Your Guide to Getting Started with GlossGenius

Created an account with GlossGenius but want some pointers on where to start? Start here!
1. Set Up Website Preferences
GlossGenius offers a lot of control for your business with preferences that are easy to understand and customize in just a few taps!
Website info & online presence
GlossGenius enables you to take bookings, reservations, and more – all from a stunning online presence. Customizing the look and feel of your website and online presence is easy!
To start, head into Settings > Website. You'll be able to change a few things:
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
- Cover photo: A cover photo is essentially your website's background. Some professionals like to put pictures related to their craft, while others like to use an abstract background. You can choose from a preset selection of abstract backgrounds, or upload your own by tapping Upload Cover Image at the top of the Website section. Once you upload it, it's updated immediately. Make sure to choose landscape (wide), high-quality images for the best look.
- How your services are displayed: The setting Display Services Visually allows you to choose whether to show images next to your services or not. Turning this OFF means that your services will be shown in a list view, without any images. Having this ON means that there will be an image attached to each service for clients to see. Some professionals like to show visuals so clients can get a preview of their awesome work.
- Your personalized URL: Your URL is the web address that clients can visit to find out more about your business, services and book you. To change your URL, tap Change Website URL. Any URL changes are instantly live! Remember that changing your URL is like changing a phone number – if you change it after clients knew about it, you'll want to make sure to notify them!
Personal & business info
Inside Settings > Personal & Contact Info, you can update your profile image, first and last name, email, phone number, and license number (if applicable). This information will appear under the Contact tab of your booking site.
Social accounts
Head into Settings > Website > Connect Social Accounts to link your website to other social media you have! This is a great way for clients visiting your booking site to discover more about you. You can link:
- Facebook: Enter your Facebook URL in full (example: https://facebook.com/pages/glossgenius). If you're unsure of what your Facebook URL is, check out this article.
- Instagram: Enter your Instagram handle (ex: janesmith). Note that you do not need to put the "@" sign there, since we do that automatically for you!
- Twitter: Enter your Twitter handle (ex: janesmith). Note that you do not need to put the "@" sign there, since we do that automatically for you!
- Pinterest: Enter your Pinterest URL in full. It will be a similar process as your Facebook one.
- Yelp: Enter your Yelp URL in full. It will be a similar process as your Facebook one.
- Another website: If you have another website that you want to connect, enter the full URL here.
2. Set Up Business Info
Your business is everything! This section contains some important info for you. Head into Settings > Business Details to get started.
Business name
What's the name of your studio? Salon? Chair? Mobile business? Tap Settings > Business Details > Business Name to customize your business name. Note that this business name will appear on your personal website, emails, text notifications to clients, receipts, and more.
Business hours
What are your general hours that you want to accept bookings during? Head into Settings > Business Details > Business Hours to adjust business hours to show availability on your site. Note that clients will be unable to book you online during any days or times you indicate as closed.
Head into Settings > Business Details > Location to set a location. Here's what you need to know:
- Fixed Location: Do you work out of a studio, salon or other fixed location? If so, you'll want to tap the Address field here and add an address. This is important because this is the address that will show up on your website, as well as the one that clients will see when they receive booking info from your business.
- House Call Location: Do you want to allow house-call requests? If so, turn this ON. This will give clients the option to request a housecall when booking you online if this is ON. Remember, if the requested location is too far, you don't have to accept a booking.
Calendar sync
We offer 2-way calendar sync so you can sync your GlossGenius calendar out to another calendar (like Google, iCal, Outlook), AND bring your Google, iCal calendar right into your GlossGenius calendar so all of your events are synced! Head into Settings > My Preferences > Two-Way Calendar Sync to enable that!
Payment processing
When it comes to booking & payment, you're in complete control! Visit Settings > Bank Account & Verification to set up payment processing, then head to Settings > Card Reader & Checkout > Checkout Settings to set your payment preferences. Here's what you need to know:
- Payment processing rate: We offer the industry's lowest payment processing rate and we also give you flexibility to customize that further to fit your business's needs. You can choose between paying a 0%, 1% or 2.6% (standard) rate. Depending on your choice, your fee will be split with clients and conveniently added onto their bill so you never have to remember to collect it! Check with your local and state laws to determine which rate is right for you!
- Cancellation fee: Turn this on if you want to enforce a cancellation policy. Note that in order for your cancellation policy to be collected, you must have Require Card turned on so you can have a card on file to take the fee from.
- Retail sales tax: If you sell retail in your studio, add your municipality sales tax here within the Checkout Settings menu. The great thing is that we'll automatically add sales tax to products when you use GlossGenius for checkout so you never have to worry about it! Great when tax season rolls around!
- Service sales tax: If you're in a municipality that taxes certain services, add in your service sales tax from the same page as the retail sales tax option. The great thing is that we'll automatically add sales tax to services when you use GlossGenius for checkout so you never have to worry about it! Great when tax season rolls around!
Booking controls
Take advantage of more ways to control booking inside Settings > Booking Controls & Notifications > Online Booking Settings:
- Require card: Within Booking Controls & Notifications, tap Online Booking Settings to require a credit card on file for client's booking online. Clients are NOT charged when they make a booking online – their card is merely held as a reservation in case they cancel. Choose to require it from new clients, all clients or no clients.
- Booking Window: Set a window of time here you require for advance notice on client bookings online.
- Booking Increments: Only want to take bookings on the half-hour, hour, or 15-minute mark? (e.g. 10 a.m., 11 a.m. versus 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.). Set those preferences here!
- Allow Processing Time Booking: Time is money! Allow clients to book you during the processing time of over services. When this is ON, a client can book you during any services that you've set up with processing time.
- Allow Online Booking: You have full control over whether you want to accept online bookings or not, for all clients, existing clients, or no clients at all. To disable it, tap the setting Disallow Online Booking. When booking is disabled, your business can still have a beautiful online presence so clients can find you and learn more about your business, but when they go to book you, they'll get a cute pop-up that advises them to contact your phone number if they want to schedule.
- Auto-Approve Appointments: This setting allows you to control how bookings are approved. When this is ON, your bookings will automatically be approved and you won't have to "approve" each one individually. When this is OFF, you will be notified of all online booking requests and you'll need to "approve" each one. Keeping this OFF is great if you want to block certain clients from booking and can "deny" their request.
- Cancellation Policy: Use this section to add any more detail on your cancellation policy (i.e. you must notify me of a change 48hrs in advance to avoid a cancellation fee). You can also require clients to acknowledge your cancellation policy before they're able to book an appointment, by toggling ON Cancellation Policy Required.
3. Add Services
Services are what clients book you for! If you don't have these set up, a client won't be able to book you online! Head into Settings > Services to create a new one. Here's what you need to know:
- Press the + button in the top right corner to add a new service.
- Add info like an image, name, price, and duration!
- Add a description for more detail or a Category so it's easily searchable on your site.
- Tap Save when done!
Need help importing your services from another app or paper? You can ask our team to help you transfer services, retail and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
4. Add Retail
If you sell retail at your location, add it here for quick reference and to keep track of sales! To get started, navigate to Settings > Retail & Inventory.
- Tap the + button in the top right corner to add a new retail product.
- Add info like an image, name, brand, price, and quantity in your inventory!
- Tap Save when done!
Need help importing your retail from another app or paper? You can ask our team to help you transfer services, retail and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
5. Set Notifications
You're going to love how GlossGenius notifications for you and your clients simplify your life! Head into Settings > Booking Controls & Notifications > Client Notifications to manage all client and personal communications!
We offer notifications like confirmations, reminders, follow-ups, birthdays and more. All of them are easy to tap on and off and fit to your preferences!
6. Add Your Clients
Client management is key! And you're going to love how much GlossGenius helps you with it! If you have a book of clients, you'll want to add them. Visit the Clients tab at the bottom of your dashboard. Note:
- You can import clients from your phone's directory
- You can add clients manually
- Need help importing your clients from another app or your paper book? You can ask our team to help you transfer clients and appointments by emailing support@glossgenius.com or calling/texting 1.888.979.7864!
7. Test Appointment
Appointments with GlossGenius are fun. Seriously. Tap the Calendar tab at the bottom of your dashboard to get started with appointments.
- Self-schedule appointments: On your calendar, you can toggle between the day/month/week view. To self-schedule an appointment, tap on the + sign in the top right, or tap and hold on the calendar. Select whether you'd like to Create Appointment, Block Personal Time, or Edit Working Hours. Add the info and DONE!
To edit an appointment, personal time block, or business hours, go to the Calendar and tap on the appointment. Tap Edit in the top right corner and save your changes!
8. Set Up Direct Deposit
Yes, we make payment processing easy! Get set up for automatic, same-day transfers by heading into Settings > Bank Account & Verification > Identity Verification and Bank Details. This will ensure you're set up for direct deposits!
9. Test Checkout
We make payment processing easy, affordable and integrated. You're going to love how easy checkout is. Tap the "Checkout" section at the bottom tab of the app. Once there, you can:
- Check out an existing appointment: If there are any appointments in your queue, they'll show up in this section. Tap on it and you'll head right into Checkout!
- Create a new checkout for a walk-in/retail purchase: If you don't have a pre-existing appointment with a client, no worries! Tap the "+" sign in the top right corner of the Checkout section to create a new walk-in/retail purchase.
- View Past transactions: In the Checkout section, press the "Past" button at the top center of the screen. From here, you'll have a list of all past transactions and their details.
10. Link a Card
Add a credit card to ensure your account's access to GlossGenius after your free trial is done! Don't worry, you'll still get the full benefit of the free trial! Head into Settings > GlossGenius Subscription & Billing > Link Credit Card.
11. Let Clients Know Where to Book an Appointment
Once you have Steps 1-10 set up, you're ready to rock! It's a great idea to let clients know where they can book you! You can find your booking website address in a few places:
- At the top of your Dashboard: Inside the mobile app, tap Dashboard and you'll see your personal website address in the top gradient box. It will resemble something like "jane.glossgenius.com." That's the website address you can advise clients to visit!
- Inside Settings > Website: You can also get your website address and preview your site inside the app's Settings > Website.
Once you have that info, inform your clients! We make it easy. Here are a few suggestions on how to inform your clients:
- Text message marketing: Head into More > Text Marketing to send a mass text message to all of your clients in a few taps! It's the easiest thing you've done.
- Email marketing: Head into More > Email Marketing to send a mass email message to all of your clients in a few taps! You can do it all from your smartphone!
- Social media promotion: Head into More > Share to access easy social sharing options so you can promote your site on social media!
Become a GlossGenius Pro
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
Okay here's the deal: we just covered the basics. There is SO much more to GlossGenius that you're going to love. Tap on the More button and explore:
- Reports: Your next best friend for understanding data about your business in a really easy way.
- Reviews: The center to get client reviews and promote yourself!
- Email marketing & text message marketing: Your next biggest money maker!
Interested in using GlossGenius for your business? Sign up for your free 14-day trial here!
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