Set and crush your business goals
GlossGenius is the only platform that helps Salons and Spas set and crush their goals. Track progress against your goal and get personalized insights and analytics.
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Set business goals with personalized benchmarks

GlossGenius will recommend personalized goal tiers for your business based on past performance and growth potential - so you can stay on track for success.

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Track progress against your goals in real-time

Progress towards your goal is automatically calculated and updated with every checkout. Once you reach your goal, we’ll celebrate your achievement in style.

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Get quick tips on how your team can reach and surpass targets

GlossGenius will give you recommended strategies to boost your revenue and smash your goals- whether it’s booking those extra few appointments or selling just one more product.

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Crush your
Business goals
Crush your
Business goals
Crush your
Business goals
Gain insight into your performance (or staff’s) over time with weekly goal history
Pulse check on previous weeks’ performance to get a sense of your progress.
Stay on top of your game with personalized business analytics
Get real-time access to critical business metrics, easy-to-read visuals, and actionable insights so you and staff can meet goals. Track live key metrics on sales, appointments, client retention, and team performance from a unified dashboard.
Leverage tens of GlossGenius features to meet your goals
Racing to hit your goal? GlossGenius has so many features to help you, from AI-first marketing to website builders. Our AI marketing assistant will even draft your campaigns for you- so all you have to do is press send!
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Get five-star service & support
Get complimentary transfer of your books and customer service that actually picks up the phone.
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What are some examples of goals you can set for your salon or spa?

Every beauty or wellness business goal is going to look a little different so it’s important to customize these for your brand. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Complete 35 appointments next week.
  2. Sell $12,000 in retail product sales by the end of July.
  3. Improve client satisfaction scores by 10% with implementation of a new feedback systems for clients.
How can you set long-term business goals for a salon or spa?

Long-term salon or spa business goals provide a vision for the future and a roadmap to achieve significant milestones. Here’s how to set impactful long-term goals:

  • Outline top line goals in a salon or spa business plan: Ensure your goals align with the overall vision and mission. Think about where you want your business to be in the next 3-5 years.
  • Break Down Big Goals: Divide your long-term goals into manageable chunks and use GlossGenius’ goal tracking. This makes it easier to track progress and keep salon and spa staff motivated.
  • Leverage Data Insights: Use GlossGenius' personalized business analytics to gain real-time access to critical metrics. Track sales, appointments, client retention, and team performance from a unified dashboard to inform your long-term planning.

Continuously Review and Adjust: Regularly revisit your long-term goals to ensure they remain relevant and achievable. Adjust strategies based on new insights and market conditions.

How can you set short-term business goals for a salon or spa?

Setting short-term business goals for you salon, spa, or beauty business is crucial for maintaining momentum and achieving quick wins. Here are some steps to help you set effective short-term goals:

  • Identify Key Areas: Relate overall salon or spa goals to key aspects of your business, such as: increasing weekly appointments, boosting product sales, or improving client retention rates.
  • Make Goals SMART: Make sure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (ex: increase weekly appointments by 5% by July 31st).
  • Set up a Tracking System: With GlossGenius, you can track progress against your goals in real-time. The platform will automatically update with each checkout and celebrate once you reach your goal.
  • Review Goals Regularly: Use GlossGenius' weekly goal history to pulse check your progress and make necessary adjustments.

Check out more info on in our goal setting blog post here.