7 F-Words for Beauty Pros to Focus On
As a beauty pro, there’s a certain f-word that may come to mind at times. Focus on these f-words to take you from “eff this” to “this is freakin’ awesome!”

On tough days, there’s a certain f-word in particular that may come to mind when you’re trying to run your beauty business, but in an effort to keep things clean, we recommend focusing on a few others to help you create the most fabulous, flourishing, fantastic journey as a salon pro.
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All too often entrepreneurs tend to be so zeroed in on their businesses that they forget to find joy in their craft and other areas of life. To help keep things balanced, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite f-words to take you from “eff this” to “this is freakin’ awesome!”
Are you content with the level of connection you have with the people you consider family? Many beauty professionals give their all in an effort to create a better life for themselves and the ones they love. Liz McKay, the owner of Bare Skincare, recently shared her GlossGenius success story and how her family was the driving force behind her decision to go out on her own.
“Coming out of a bad relationship with nothing to my name, beauty was my answer to 'how can I provide a better life for my kids?'” says Liz. “I always wanted to have my own business and with the right experience, education, and attitude, I knew I had it in me.”
Aside from taking control of your life and feeling empowered to create your own path, will you create a legacy that can be carried on to create generational wealth? Will you prove yourself to the loved one who doubted what you’re really capable of? Or will you be the example your children need to follow their own dreams? One way or another, your family may be more influential in your success than you realize.
This industry might be your art, your passion, or your dream, but at the end of the day, it’s also a profession in which you hope to make a decent profit. Is your money matching up with the minimums to fund your priorities? By taking time to set goals and checking in on your analytics, you have more control over the money that comes in and out of your business – and ultimately, provide for your lifestyle.
No More No-Shows: Your Free Guide to Protecting Your Time and Money
As a beauty professional, you have the means and the motivation to set up multiple revenue streams to keep the money flowing. That might include pushing your retail harder, creating paid speaking opportunities for yourself, or expanding your business to other locations. A six-figure income is absolutely a reality when you push yourself to achieve more.
You might often pour all of your energy into making sure your clients feel good, but how do you feel in your own body? As a service provider, you’re probably on your feet all day and it's important to ensure your physical health is prioritized. This can include something as simple as wearing supportive salon shoes or making sure your equipment (styling chairs, massage tables, nail counters, etc.) is at a proper height that doesn’t cause you pain day after day.
Outside of the salon, part of your work-life balance might include making time for movement to keep your body healthy or keep your mind clear. If you’re a team leader, you can even get the staff involved with team-building activities like charity walks or a group yoga class.
Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or just believe in good vibes, are you satisfied with the faith in your life? Your connection to whatever entity or energy you believe in can help keep you grounded when things get chaotic or help keep your cool when times are challenging. A moment of meditation, a quick prayer, or a deep recentering breath can go a long way.
Outside of the idea of higher powers or sources, faith in yourself is just as important. There are likely a few reasons you decided to go independent or build a team, and at least one of them is because you believed strongly enough in your talent and drive to make your dream a reality – reminding yourself of that should become a daily practice.
Are there people in your life with whom you share your joy and disappointment? Whether your circle of friends is filled with your besties from childhood or the colleagues you’ve worked shoulder-to-shoulder with over the years, a sense of belonging adds yet another layer to a more fulfilled life.
As important as it is to build a salon team that supports one another and genuinely cares for the greater good of the salon, it’s also essential to have friends outside the workplace. Surround yourself with people to whom you can turn to vent about your day or celebrate your wins – and be sure to be just as present for them, too.
Creating a sense of community doesn’t have to be limited to a tight circle of confidantes. Try branching out and engaging with other small business owners in your area. And at the end of the day, no matter where you are, there’s always the GlossGenius community – a network of like-minded individuals creating a place for all to learn, teach, inspire, and empower each other.
Are you finding ways to make your life playful inside and out of the salon? Yes, work-life balance is important, but even your job can be fun when you work in a creative field. Find the joy in running your business. Maybe you discover it in harnessing your creativity beyond the chair with your website, branding, or social media. You might even be surprised how much you love running your numbers when you make a game of goal-setting and report-reading – we often hear about GlossGenius customers who once hated budgeting and now can’t live without it!
Beyond the salon, you can embrace the excitement of traveling for trade shows and meeting people you admire or who share your passion. And, of course, make time for completely non-work-related recreation, too. Start a new hobby, return to an old one, spend time with people who make you feel good, or make more time to play with your pets – do something regularly that makes you feel good.
Focusing on what’s ahead not only gives you something to aim for, it builds excitement and motivation to keep you going even on the worst of days. Are you hopeful for what lies ahead? Continue to seek more knowledge, more skills, and more creativity through education or training in order to keep evolving and building confidence in the life you’re building.
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
Thinking of your future can be as short or long-term as you wish. Sometimes you need to search for the thing that gets you through the day, other times you’ll be focused on setting up a nice little nest egg for the day you retire. And for all the times in between, we dare you to dream big, and are here to help you achieve your dreams.
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7 F-Words for Beauty Pros to Focus On

On tough days, there’s a certain f-word in particular that may come to mind when you’re trying to run your beauty business, but in an effort to keep things clean, we recommend focusing on a few others to help you create the most fabulous, flourishing, fantastic journey as a salon pro.
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
All too often entrepreneurs tend to be so zeroed in on their businesses that they forget to find joy in their craft and other areas of life. To help keep things balanced, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite f-words to take you from “eff this” to “this is freakin’ awesome!”
Are you content with the level of connection you have with the people you consider family? Many beauty professionals give their all in an effort to create a better life for themselves and the ones they love. Liz McKay, the owner of Bare Skincare, recently shared her GlossGenius success story and how her family was the driving force behind her decision to go out on her own.
“Coming out of a bad relationship with nothing to my name, beauty was my answer to 'how can I provide a better life for my kids?'” says Liz. “I always wanted to have my own business and with the right experience, education, and attitude, I knew I had it in me.”
Aside from taking control of your life and feeling empowered to create your own path, will you create a legacy that can be carried on to create generational wealth? Will you prove yourself to the loved one who doubted what you’re really capable of? Or will you be the example your children need to follow their own dreams? One way or another, your family may be more influential in your success than you realize.
This industry might be your art, your passion, or your dream, but at the end of the day, it’s also a profession in which you hope to make a decent profit. Is your money matching up with the minimums to fund your priorities? By taking time to set goals and checking in on your analytics, you have more control over the money that comes in and out of your business – and ultimately, provide for your lifestyle.
No More No-Shows: Your Free Guide to Protecting Your Time and Money
As a beauty professional, you have the means and the motivation to set up multiple revenue streams to keep the money flowing. That might include pushing your retail harder, creating paid speaking opportunities for yourself, or expanding your business to other locations. A six-figure income is absolutely a reality when you push yourself to achieve more.
You might often pour all of your energy into making sure your clients feel good, but how do you feel in your own body? As a service provider, you’re probably on your feet all day and it's important to ensure your physical health is prioritized. This can include something as simple as wearing supportive salon shoes or making sure your equipment (styling chairs, massage tables, nail counters, etc.) is at a proper height that doesn’t cause you pain day after day.
Outside of the salon, part of your work-life balance might include making time for movement to keep your body healthy or keep your mind clear. If you’re a team leader, you can even get the staff involved with team-building activities like charity walks or a group yoga class.
Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or just believe in good vibes, are you satisfied with the faith in your life? Your connection to whatever entity or energy you believe in can help keep you grounded when things get chaotic or help keep your cool when times are challenging. A moment of meditation, a quick prayer, or a deep recentering breath can go a long way.
Outside of the idea of higher powers or sources, faith in yourself is just as important. There are likely a few reasons you decided to go independent or build a team, and at least one of them is because you believed strongly enough in your talent and drive to make your dream a reality – reminding yourself of that should become a daily practice.
Are there people in your life with whom you share your joy and disappointment? Whether your circle of friends is filled with your besties from childhood or the colleagues you’ve worked shoulder-to-shoulder with over the years, a sense of belonging adds yet another layer to a more fulfilled life.
As important as it is to build a salon team that supports one another and genuinely cares for the greater good of the salon, it’s also essential to have friends outside the workplace. Surround yourself with people to whom you can turn to vent about your day or celebrate your wins – and be sure to be just as present for them, too.
Creating a sense of community doesn’t have to be limited to a tight circle of confidantes. Try branching out and engaging with other small business owners in your area. And at the end of the day, no matter where you are, there’s always the GlossGenius community – a network of like-minded individuals creating a place for all to learn, teach, inspire, and empower each other.
Are you finding ways to make your life playful inside and out of the salon? Yes, work-life balance is important, but even your job can be fun when you work in a creative field. Find the joy in running your business. Maybe you discover it in harnessing your creativity beyond the chair with your website, branding, or social media. You might even be surprised how much you love running your numbers when you make a game of goal-setting and report-reading – we often hear about GlossGenius customers who once hated budgeting and now can’t live without it!
Beyond the salon, you can embrace the excitement of traveling for trade shows and meeting people you admire or who share your passion. And, of course, make time for completely non-work-related recreation, too. Start a new hobby, return to an old one, spend time with people who make you feel good, or make more time to play with your pets – do something regularly that makes you feel good.
Focusing on what’s ahead not only gives you something to aim for, it builds excitement and motivation to keep you going even on the worst of days. Are you hopeful for what lies ahead? Continue to seek more knowledge, more skills, and more creativity through education or training in order to keep evolving and building confidence in the life you’re building.
Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!
Thinking of your future can be as short or long-term as you wish. Sometimes you need to search for the thing that gets you through the day, other times you’ll be focused on setting up a nice little nest egg for the day you retire. And for all the times in between, we dare you to dream big, and are here to help you achieve your dreams.
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